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Buddy Engine Platform Adalah Social Media yang dapat membantu anda untuk membuat Komunitas baru dengan Menggunakan Hosting (Berbayar).

Changelog BuddyEngine Themes (Default)

v1.0.0 - Pre Rilis
  • - [Added] Monetisasi Halaman dan Profil
  • - [Added] BuddyStock Theme (Secondary)
  • - [Fixed] Minor CSS on __Buddy-Desktop & __Buddy-Mobile
  • - [Fixed] Minor CSS on Login/Signin Page
  • - [Added] Information Details on Product
  • - [Fixed] Sidebar Menu icon on BuddyStuck Theme
  • - [Fixed] Re-translate English Version to indonesian version (Small case)
  • - [Added] Background Design on BuddyStuck
  • - [Added] Inject BuddyStuck Theme on SQL Installation
  • - [Added] Menu Choice Like Facebook on header
  • - [Added] Cart Popup Button on Header
  • - [Fixed] Photos On Call Popup
  • - [Added] Menu sidebar On Group Index (Desktop Only)
  • - [Fixed] Subscribe profile
  • - [Fixed] Accept Subscribe on Bank Transfer
  • - [Fixed] Move information about coin, point and funding to topbar side menu
  • --- And Many More Updates
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